67 research outputs found

    Solution of the Least Squares Method problem of pairwise comparison matrices

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    The aim of the paper is to present a new global optimization method for determining all the optima of the Least Squares Method (LSM) problem of pairwise comparison matrices. Such matrices are used, e.g., in the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Unlike some other distance minimizing methods, LSM is usually hard to solve because of the corresponding nonlinear and non-convex objective function. It is found that the optimization problem can be reduced to solve a system of polynomial equations. Homotopy method is applied which is an efficient technique for solving nonlinear systems. The paper ends by two numerical example having multiple global and local minima

    An inconsistency control system based on incomplete pairwise comparison matrices

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    Incomplete pairwise comparison matrix was introduced by Harker in 1987 for the case in which the decision maker does not fill in the whole matrix completely due to, e.g., time limitations. However, incomplete matrices occur in a natural way even if the decision maker provides a completely filled in matrix in the end. In each step of the total n(n–1)/2, an incomplete pairwise comparison is given, except for the last one where the matrix turns into complete. Recent results on incomplete matrices make it possible to estimate inconsistency indices CR and CM by the computation of tight lower bounds in each step of the filling in process. Additional information on ordinal inconsistency is also provided. Results can be applied in any decision support system based on pairwise comparison matrices. The decision maker gets an immediate feedback in case of mistypes, possibly causing a high level of inconsistency

    Solving the Least Squares Method problem in the AHP for 3 X 3 and 4 X 4 matrices

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    The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of the most popular methods used in Multi-Attribute Decision Making. The Eigenvector Method (EM) and some distance minimizing methods such as the Least Squares Method (LSM) are of the possible tools for computing the priorities of the alternatives. A method for generating all the solutions of the LSM problem for 3 × 3 and 4 × 4 matrices is discussed in the paper. Our algorithms are based on the theory of resultants

    On Saaty's and Koczkodaj's inconsistencies of pairwise comparison matrices

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    The aim of the paper is to obtain some theoretical and numerical properties of Saaty’s and Koczkodaj’s inconsistencies of pairwise comparison matrices (PRM). In the case of 3 × 3 PRM, a differentiable one-to-one correspondence is given between Saaty’s inconsistency ratio and Koczkodaj’s inconsistency index based on the elements of PRM. In order to make a comparison of Saaty’s and Koczkodaj’s inconsistencies for 4 × 4 pairwise comparison matrices, the average value of the maximal eigenvalues of randomly generated n × n PRM is formulated, the elements aij (i < j) of which were randomly chosen from the ratio scale ... ... with equal probability 1/(2M − 1) and a ji is defined as 1/a ij . By statistical analysis, the empirical distributions of the maximal eigenvalues of the PRM depending on the dimension number are obtained. As the dimension number increases, the shape of distributions gets similar to that of the normal ones. Finally, the inconsistency of asymmetry is dealt with, showing a different type of inconsistency

    Súlyok meghatározása páros összehasonlítás mátrixok legkisebb négyzetes közelítése alapján

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    A páros összehasonlítások módszere a többszempontú döntési feladatok megoldásának egy lehetséges eszköze mind a szempontsúlyok meghatározásában, mind az alternatívák értékelésében. A szempontokat páronként összehasonlítva, fontosságaiknak a döntéshozó által megítélt arányait mátrixba rendezve a feladat a súlyvektor meghatározása úgy, hogy annak komponensei valamilyen értelemben jól illeszkedjenek a döntéshozó által megadott értékekhez. A páros összehasonlítás mátrixból a súlyok kiszámítására leggyakrabban használt sajátvektor módszer (Analytic Hierarchy Process) mellett számos távolságminimalizáló módszer is létezik. Ezek egyike a legkisebb négyzetek módszere, melynek megoldása nemlineáris, nemkonvex függvény feltételes optimalizálását jelenti. A cikkben olyan módszereket mutatunk be a páros összehasonlítás mátrixok legkisebb négyzetes becslésére, amelyek a célfüggvény összes lokális és globális minimumhelyének meghatározására alkalmasak

    A method for solving LSM problems of small size in the AHP

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    The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of the most popular methods used in Multi-Attribute Decision Making. It provides with ratio-scale measurements of the prioirities of elements on the various leveles of a hierarchy. These priorities are obtained through the pairwise comparisons of elements on one level with reference to each element on the immediate higher level. The Eigenvector Method (EM) and some distance minimizing methods such as the Least Squares Method (LSM), Logarithmic Least Squares Method (LLSM), Weighted Least Squares Method (WLSM) and Chi Squares Method (X2M) are of the tools for computing the priorities of the alternatives. This paper studies a method for generating all the solutions of the LSM problems for 3 × 3 matrices. We observe non-uniqueness and rank reversals by presenting numerical results

    Nontransitive dice sets realizing the Paley tournaments for solving Schütte's tournament problem

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    The problem of a multiple player dice tournament is discussed and solved in the paper. A die has a finite number of faces with real numbers written on each. Finite dice sets are proposed which have the following property, defined by Schütte for tournaments: for an arbitrary subset of k dice there is at least one die that beats each of the k with a probability greater than 1/2. It is shown that the proposed dice set realizes the Paley tournament, that is known to have the Schütte property (for a given k) if the number of vertices is large enough. The proof is based on Dirichlet's theorem, stating that the sum of quadratic nonresidues is strictly larger than the sum of quadratic residues


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    In this paper a new approach for coding moving pictures is presented. Because of the large number of calculations, the conventional solution uses tightly coupled multiproces- sors working in parallel to achieve real-time processing (encoding 25 - 30 pictures per second). A new idea is to distribute the workload among workstations connected to a network where a software package (e.g. PVM - Parallel Virtual Machine) supports the communication between the machines. In contrast with the present hard wired structures, this loosely coupled system provides more flexibility in coding algorithms and has better cost/performance. The paper describes the main parallel structures already used in video processing, and discusses the possibility of mapping them to this new paralell system. Also. simulations were carried out to examine the performance of the most computation- ally intensive operations (DCT - Discrete Cosine Transform and motion estimation). The tests were performed on a cluster of SUN Sparc 2s connected via Ethernel. It was experienced that DCT did not show any speed-up because of the extremely low CC ra- tio. However, motion estimation worked well if either a full or hierarchical search was used. This research work was carried out in 1994 at the Information Theory Group of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Delft

    A simplified implementation of the least squares solution for pairwise comparisons matrices

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    This is a follow up to "Solution of the least squares method problem of pairwise comparisons matrix" by Bozóki published by this journal in 2008. Familiarity with this paper is essential and assumed. For lower inconsistency and decreased accuracy, our proposed solutions run in seconds instead of days. As such, they may be useful for researchers willing to use the least squares method (LSM) instead of the geometric means (GM) method